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J-1 Program Extension Request Form

The Exchange Visitor Program provides opportunities for internationals to come to the United States for a variety of educational and cultural exchange purposes under the sponsorship of a school, an agency, or an organization that has been designated as an exchange visitor sponsor by the United States Department of State.

The Texas International Education Consortium (TIEC) in Austin is a designated sponsor for the exchange visitor program at Texas State University. The Responsible Officer (RO) or Alternate Responsible Officer (ARO) for J-1 Exchange Visitors at Texas State is located at TIEC. The RO and ARO are the only people who have signing authority for the program. Therefore, any employment permission for J-1 Exchange Visitors at Texas State must be arranged by International Scholar and Student Services with the Officers in Austin. 

PLEASE do not work without authorization from the RO or ARO. Participation in unauthorized employment is in violation of the regulations, results in loss of your J-1 status and subjects the exchange visitor to termination from the program.


Insurance must meet the minimum requireemtns of the J program.
Will the sponsor receive funding from the Texas State University department?